We inspire change by giving children the courage, capability, and confidence to imagine and actively work towards a life of their own design.
Ons inspireer verandering deur kinders die moed, vermoë en selfvertroue te gee om te dink en aktief te werk aan ‘n lewe van hul eie ontwerp.
Sikhuthaza utshintsho ngokunika abantwana inkalipho, amandla, kunye nokuzithemba ukuba bacinge kwaye basebenzele ubomi bokuyila kwabo.

Disa strives to make a difference in our world by valuing the unique abilities of each individual and acknowledging that each person matters. Our strong holistic foundation supports people to believe in themselves and fearlessly move towards their dreams.
Disa streef daarna om ‘n verskil in ons wêreld te maak deur die unieke vermoëns van elke individu te waardeer en te erken dat elke persoon saak maak. Ons sterk holistiese grondslag ondersteun mense om in hulself te glo en vreesloos na hul drome te beweeg.
I-Disa izama ukwenza umahluko kwihlabathi lethu ngokuxabisa izakhono ezizodwa zomntu ngamnye kunye nokuvuma ukuba umntu ngamnye ubalulekile. Isiseko sethu esomeleleyo esipheleleyo sixhasa abantu ukuba bakholelwe kubo kwaye ngokungenaloyiko baye kumaphupha abo.
We inspire change by giving children the courage, capability, and confidence to imagine and actively work towards a life of their own design.
Ons inspireer verandering deur kinders die moed, vermoë en selfvertroue te gee om te dink en aktief te werk aan ‘n lewe van hul eie ontwerp.
Sikhuthaza utshintsho ngokunika abantwana inkalipho, amandla, kunye nokuzithemba ukuba bacinge kwaye basebenzele ubomi bokuyila kwabo.
Disa strives to make a difference in our world by valuing the unique abilities of each individual and acknowledging that each person matters. Our strong holistic foundation supports people to believe in themselves and fearlessly move towards their dreams.
Disa streef daarna om ‘n verskil in ons wêreld te maak deur die unieke vermoëns van elke individu te waardeer en te erken dat elke persoon saak maak. Ons sterk holistiese grondslag ondersteun mense om in hulself te glo en vreesloos na hul drome te beweeg.
I-Disa izama ukwenza umahluko kwihlabathi lethu ngokuxabisa izakhono ezizodwa zomntu ngamnye kunye nokuvuma ukuba umntu ngamnye ubalulekile. Isiseko sethu esomeleleyo esipheleleyo sixhasa abantu ukuba bakholelwe kubo kwaye ngokungenaloyiko baye kumaphupha abo.